- Learn how to play the violin. Well, I've bought myself a book with CD. That's about as far as that has got.
- Start Family Game Afternoon. Started it, went well for a bit, but has trailed off last few weeks due to busyness and some apathy (and, indeed, antipathy from certain family members who'd rather be playing Minecraft). But it stands a chance of becoming a regular thing, even if not ever week, especially now we have even more board games. So I think this counts as tentative success.
- Stop being afraid. This one really didn't stand much of a chance. I have managed more "going and doing things" at work that I once would never have seen me do, but I still get wound up about them, especially after the fact. And being nervous makes me make more stupid mistakes than being calm would, so this definitely needs working on some more.
- Take a
vacationholiday to Dublin. Not even thought about this yet. - Find a better place for my money. Have a plan. A vague plan. It involves more time and planning though. And having the nerve to go open another bank account. At least I've thought about it. A bit.
- Try fish fingers and custard. Need more room in freezer before buying fish fingers.
- Be more involved. This is where I've really been failing, despite best intentions of nearly-two-months-ago. Another spate of tiredness/boredom/depression has just left me switching off after work and at weekends - barely actually reading posts on internet, let alone paying that much attention to what the boy has been building in Minecraft. And I've probably been neglecting my poor better half, except yesterday when I tried to make a fuss over her as it was her birthday.
In other news, as mentioned it was my SO's birthday yesterday (never ask a lady's age, I'll just say it's a semiprime, as are both its neighbours, and leave it at that). She seemed happy with presents, and we went out to Red Chilli (which is probably her favourite restaurant) for evening meal with, well, our gaming group plus one (and the boy, who didn't eat as much as last time, but was probably better behaved over all). Just had half term, and I took three days off work to look after boy while J was busy lecturing and seminaring and doing other teaching fellow-y type stuff. Was strange popping into work for just a couple of days, and feels even stranger to think I'm going back again all next week. Weird how quickly something can become "normal". Think that's it for a life update.