Monday, November 19, 2007

Marking marking everywhere

That's pretty much what last week was spent doing, apart from being depressed. And today - more marking! Hopefully I'll get a couple of days break after this though. I might even be able to do some "proper" work.

We went to my parents' for the weekend. It appears we forgot to tell any of our friends we were going though. Oops. Sorry for getting you worried. Had a nice enough time - the Terror loves his Grandma and Granddad so was in his element and we got some break from having to play with him all the time.

We even got to go out! On Saturday night we went into Durham and saw Beowulf. It was pretty damn good, despite the "dead eyes" effect you get with this style of animation. Also, the shots that are meant for 3D look a little....strange... when viewed in 2D but I'm not going to complain (it's not like I'd benefit from the 3D version anyway!). And Ray pretty good, but dear Odin - Cockney Beowulf?! The audience was in stitches whenever he said, "I've come to kill your MONSTA!" (Also, the young Beowulf looked so like Sean Bean you can't help wondering if Zemeckis really wanted him in the role instead.)

There were a few other unintentially funny bits, but really that just adds to the enjoyment of the film. In my eyes anyway, YMMV of course. But a film co-written by Neil Gaiman can't be bad. Especially if it has a mostly naked Angelina Jolie in it. Which brings me neatly to the other big problem with the film - the certificate. What were the BBFC thinking? 12A?! The violence and bawdy language might just about be acceptable in a 12, but who in their right mind would take a younger child...I imagine quite a few complaints will come from those not checking the film out fully first. Maybe I'm becoming a prude in my old age....

1 comment:

imma said...

Beowulf sounds like it was fun, if perhaps too funny to be taken seriously
i'm looking forware to seeing it (probably tonight, methinks) :)