Tuesday, March 25, 2008

White Easter

But I failed to take pictures. Ah well.

Not a bad weekend really, despite the length. Terror played far too much Zelda. Daddy and I were both driven to distraction by his demands. But we survived. And had a snowball fight in Spring, which can't be bad.

Played Magic for the first time in ages last night. Daddy's been working on his decks for Elder Dragon Highlander and I had a go with the Sliver one which is mostly just sick, but struggled against the dragons (fueled by Scion of the Ur-Dragon) and Kaervek. But it was still fun.

Also wrote up a new vampire origin myth for World of Darkness, with the view to introducing a new playable splat - people with sunlight in their blood. Essentially anti-vampires, or Solar Exalted for WoD. Maybe I'll get round to typing it up and posting it here (or RPG.net).

So not too bad really. See, I can do this positive-thinking lark sometimes.

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