Friday, April 11, 2008

Curse you Paul Cornell!

For making me spend more money - but the whole premise would make me intrigued and excited anyway (I love that type of stuff) despite not being a big FF fan. Bah. And I might have to buy the Primeval Season Two boxset just for his episode...although I suppose I ought to be sensible and buy Heroes instead. That would be a better investment, I guess.

In other news, we're off to Edinburgh for I have a conference to attend (don't worry, I'm not doing anything stupid like giving a talk) and I didn't feel comfortable going on my own. Besides, Daddy and the Terror have never been to Scotland before - how can someone reach the ripe old age of 29 and not have been to Scotland? It's not like it's far far away - and so a family holiday seemed in order.

So I suppose I ought to be getting ready to go rather than geeking out....

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