Thursday, April 22, 2010

"You know I don't like recipes"

After far too long of not getting round to reading it, and having never managed to see the film either, my wonderful SO gave me a copy of Coraline for my birthday. (The original novella, not the graphic novel.) And it is, as everyone said it was, marvelous.

If you don't know the basic plot I can only assume you were living under a rock when the movie was made or really really dislike spoilers. If the latter, stop reading now. It's the story of slightly neglected, bright young girl who discovers a passageway to another world just like her new house but better and more interesting: a world occupied by her "other mother" who wants spend time with her and cook her favourite foods and make her life fun and full and wonderful. And to stop Coraline going back, the "other mother" steals her parents. Of course, Coraline isn't going to put up with that and goes about rescuing her parents and the other mother's previous victims, and it all works out happily in the end, although not quite as easily as Coraline first hopes.

The story is beautifully and simply written, as one expects coming from Neil Gaiman. Coraline is an absolute gem of a protagonist and a realistically crafted child of indeterminate age whose attitude and voice seem "right" from my not-too-grown-up perspective. The "real world" supporting characters are colourful enough to start with (while still being believable) to make their fairytale "other" versions all the more frightening. The plot plays out at just the right pace, gripping while not seeming rushed, and the (often grotesque) details bring the other world to life in its delightfully creepy entirety. It is, frankly, as brilliant as everyone said it is, and I can't wait to read it to the Terror because I'm sure he'll love it too.

Although the risk of him developing koumpounophobia (fear of buttons) is something to consider first.

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