Saturday, December 22, 2007

And so it is Christmas...

..or very nearly at least. Another tearful week, the blame for which is now squarely on the lower dose's shoulders. Half week for the Terror's nursery so the last two and a half days have been very tiring - too cold to go out for very long as well.

Read some good stuff - Order of the Stick's prequel On the Origin of PCs was especially good. Otherwise, much playing on the Wii - Daddy is now the undisputed champ of Wii Sports Bowling and I'm back to my usual tricks of sucking at all computer games. Ah well.

It was also the last week of chances to see ACL and I think I did ok at saying goodbye to him. Night out in the pub last night was great fun and so I'm in my usual post-drinking Zen-like state today. Things will be ok, in the end. I've just got to not care so much. I'll miss him, I'm sure. But life trudges on.

Tomorrow we head South for Christmas with Nana, during which time I'll be mostly offline so have to try and get my internet fix today. If I've forgotten to do or buy something it's probably too late now. Still have to wrap most of the presents and get some packing done today to avoid the panic tomorrow morning, but Daddy is so much better at coping with these things than me that I'll probably leave it all up to him! Again, I just need to let go and not care so much. It's not like it really matters.

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